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Who Can Attend IUIM

Who Can Attend IUIM

IUIM welcomes a diverse range of individuals who can benefit from our flexible and accessible education model. Attendees include:

- Working Professionals: Individuals who aspire to pursue their degree(s) while maintaining full-time employment.

- College Returnees: Those who have taken a hiatus from their college education and find it challenging to resume traditional on-campus studies.

- Career Advancers: Individuals seeking academic credentials to qualify for promotions or enhance their earning potential.

- License-Dependent Professionals: Professionals whose license renewals hinge on completing specified extended courses of education.

- Corporate Training Needs: Employers looking to have their workforce trained in specific areas without disrupting the continuity of service.

- Career-Driven Individuals: Professionals already established in their careers, where additional academic credentials may not be mandatory but are essential for eligibility for promotion.

- Single Parents: Those who, as single parents, have had to discontinue their education and are now looking to resume and advance their careers.

- Government Aspirants: Individuals requiring degree(s) for entry into state or local government roles or the Civil Service.

IUIM provides an inclusive and supportive environment for individuals from various backgrounds and circumstances, ensuring that education remains accessible to all.

Entry Requirements: 60 Credits or 2 years of university coursework